Random Thoughts

Monday, January 09, 2006

living life and being happy

I was tired today. I'm sure because I was up through the night. At least past 2 that I know of.
I hate being tired, but I just can't turn this mind of mine off sometimes. And it's always at the worst times too...but I'm feeling better. Looking forward to tomorrow and lucky that I even have it..Some people don't.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Just thinking today

I was just thinking today...it's only January 7, 2006. Only a week into the new year and not only do I have goals for the new year, but I've already acted on them. I'm cleaning house. Literally and figuratively.
I need my craft room cleaned out and organized. I'm stiffled by all the clutter. In my head, in my physical body. In my craft room,and in my house. I want to streamline it all so I can get to the things that will make me happy. Things that I've put off because I just couldn't see through all of the mess. I never had any room to work. But I also have to remind myself that just because I want it so badly, it isn't going to happen overnight. I told my husband, that it didn't take a day to acquire it all and it won't take only a day to clear it out.